Friday, February 2, 2018

Happy 2018!

Although we have not updated this Blog in a while, we are excited to see all that is to come in 2018.  We have re-connected with some of our old Club Members from North Charleston High School.  Also, we are partnering with several groups to see education improved for all children in Charleston County.

Also, we are putting on A Unity Oyster.  It will be held on March 17, 2018.

The will be 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM at North Charleston United Methodist Church.

Thanks to North Charleston UMC for allowing us to hold our event at their property.

You can purchase a ticket via our web site:

Tickets are $25 in advance.

Also, you can sponsor a table of 8 for $250!

We are looking forward to a great time at this event!

On mission!

Jesse Williams

Take It To The Streets!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Benefit Dinner Supporting Take It To The Streets

Thank you for your interest in learning more about Take It To The Streets, A local Non Profit. Our next event is our Benefit fundraiser dinner.  Most people can purchase tickets by cash or by check but if you would like to pay online click on the donate button on the right side of this page.

Steps to pay for a ticket:

1. Click on the donation button on the right of this page.
2. Enter $21 dollars into the amount space.
3. If you have a paypal account you can log in then enter your method of payment.
4. If you do not have a pay pal account you can set one up or click continue which is on the left of the page that
    comes up. This allows you to pay by credit card without having a paypal account.

We are looking forward to seeing the kids participate in this upcoming fundraiser dinner.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Take It To The Streets The Good News: Maleek Simpson: A true servant

Take It To The Streets The Good News: Maleek Simpson: A true servant

Maleek Simpson: A true servant

I want to highlight young Maleek, age 9. He has a true servant's heart and understands what it means to put others before himself. He takes the gospel as the Word of God and has a kind of faith that takes action and helps. He loves serving and helping with the younger kids at Field Day. Today he made his young cousin age 6 or so apologize to a girl for hitting her with the football. That was a bold move in doing what is right. Maleek loves talking about Jesus and loves hanging out with the volunteers. He has a true ferver for reading the bible and loves reading the lessons during our bible studies. We have known Maleek for two years now and he loves joining us at outreach.

I can't wait to see what is in store for this young man. Although his father is not in his life, he prays for his father. I know Maleek's real father- Father God, is smiling down on him as he sees Maleek growing in faith.

Maleek is at the bottom left next to his sister Laquaisia.

In Christ, Jesse

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Outreach And Field Day: An Update

Update on one of the kids off of Dorchester Road
Eddie Ancrum is now 13 years old. Today, although he moved about 1 mile down Dorchester Road he still called me to come to field day. Eddie has had some tough times lately, but he keeps the hope and every time he sees us his eyes light up. He keeps the sense of humor. It is like we saw him yesterday. He wants to go to church and he is always excited to do something with the Take It To The Streets team. Today he helped us pack up all the field day supplies and he took some valentines candy to his younger nephew and neice. Although we have not seen Eddie since Christmas Time, it is always good catching up. He was baptized in 2010 and He wants to play football.
Eddie is at the bottom left of the picture.
Stay tuned for more updates!

Thanks, Jesse

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Progress and Take It To The Streets

I have got to brag about last Saturday October 23rd. It was a momentous day for our ministry as we saw fruits of what God has been brewing for us behind the scenes. It was the 4th Saturday of the October and to give you a behind the scenes look at what took place I will say this. We pulled off our Field Day, Neighborhood Fellowship neighborhood outreach and our education class all on one Saturday (It took Cindy Barrinea ordering the food, myself, Cindy and Her son Matt picking out the bread and oranges, and then bagging it all up with the help of the kids at 1:45 PM).

First of all let me speak to the Neighborhood Fellowship that we have been doing since TI2Ts Ministry began. The vision for this initiative is that we will flood the streets of the Waylyn Neighborhood off of Dorchester Rd. with the light of Jesus Christ. Regardless of what church our local missionaries attend we want people to see the love of Jesus. So we had individuals from several churches joining us to reach out into the community. Pastor Mike Cooke from Life Community Church came out, minister Reggie Coaxum from Christ's Temple came out, and off course Seacoast Church attendees and the Well was representing. The great thing was that Jesus Christ was represented in that neighborhood. We reached out as 3 teams with a total of 15 people passed out food while at least 20 volunteers shared Jesus with the Kids off of Dorchester Rd. at the field Day. And Joey helped 2 men do job searches.

All this was done after a team of 8 TI2TS leaders planned for our harvest festival event on October 31st from 6 pm to 8 pm with God's House of Worship Church.

What a Saturday--the cool thing is that God has much more in store as we continue to see God at work. The next phase of our ministry is going to be powerful. We will begin to stabilize the ministry by putting together an Internship Program and a Local Missions Team and as we continue to be guided by God in future pursuits of His will.

Greater things are yet to come...greater things are yet to be done in our City!

I for one have to proclaim how honored it is to serve with all of you guys as I watch our talents bloom and as I watch God's Holy Spirit grow us into maturity and increase our faith.

I love you guys...

A servant of Christ.

Jesse Williams

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

He Became So We Could Become

"He Became So We Could Become"

Wow what a statement, I was told by Pastor Judas Smith that this sums up the entire New Testament in those six words. How do you view the value of your salvations? Do you understand the cost, the price tag the impossible miracle of who you are in Christ, I can’t – but I will spend the rest of my life serving my Lord your King Jesus Christ. I write this as I sit on the porch of an expensive resort on the Myrtle Beach SC attending one of the top middle/high school church youth camps, in tears. The sun is on the horizon and God is smiling. It has been the better part of a year now that I have been on the ground serving with Jesse Williams and the Take It To The Streets crew. I remember chatting with the gang about God’s hope and his love for the children of Dorchester Rd, and how God and we wanted them to have access to all the kings previsions. It never seemed right that children who loved Jesus so much (pray to him, study his word, serve in their community, hand out food door to door to their neighbors, wait by the side of the road to go to church as their parents are a sleep), could never experience God the same way the children I watch every Sunday at the Long Point or even the West Ashley Seacoast campus did – they were so blesses. I wanted the best for my children, his children, my little M.O.G’s! So we set out to accomplish that and by Gods grace and abundant bless I can write this he (God-Jesus) has initiated and we ( The Young Leaders of Take It To The Streets ) have responded. One week ago today I received a phone call from Pastor Mac Mood telling me that Seacoast West Ashley campus would like to sponsor four of the Young Leaders of Take To The Streets to attend e-camp. We as a team arrived yesterday! Kenny, Jarmine, Jalial and Brice are all sleep right now unaware of what God has in store for them today. Please keep us in your prayers, and that we respond and seek to dedicate our lives to serve the Lord our King Jesus. Guy’s we are braking down walls that have been constructed in our city right now with the Holy POWER OF JESUS. I am watching this play out right before my very eyes and it is beautiful, and I shout Rise and Sing (are you alive and have you been redeemed)? Your Brother in Christ, Connor McIntyre


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